Health & Fitness
Why My Periods Won't Stop? Causes, Treatment and Precautions!
I know! Your unending periods are making you feel pessimist. You are fed up of bleeding. It is like the nightmare for you. Am I right? Well, I have been there. I was struggling with the same condition since long. It was harrowing and frustrating too.
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Pain Under Right Breast? It Sounds Simple. But It Isn't
You feel an electric current passing through your body? I know, It begins with a feeling of owww. Wait my dear! Do not engage yourself in so much brainy activity. Some women fear this sign could indicate breast cancer but It may be sometimes normal.
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Top 10 Exercises to Tone Your Butt in 30 Days
Do you have a flat butt? Do you want to get rid of flat butt? Are you looking for how to tone your butt? Do you want to shape it like Jen Selter or any other model? Well this article will provide all the answer of you question.
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Slide show: Back exercises in 15 minutes a day - Mayo Clinic
Want to prevent back pain? Improve your strength and flexibility with these back exercises.
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10 Proven Home Remedies To Get Rid Of A Sore Throat Naturally - No Need To Take A Medicine!
Do you feel like you're swallowing a bit of sandpaper while drinking or eating? Probably, you're suffering from a sore throat and it's the first sign of cold or flu. You should better be engaged in taking care of yourself because it can be a royal pain if continues for more than 2-3 days.
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Cholesterol: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
Cholesterol is both our friend and foe - at normal levels, it is an essential substance for the body's normal functioning, but if levels in the blood get too high, it becomes a silent danger that puts us at risk of a heart attack.
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5 Best Exercises For Lower Back Pain You Will Thank Us Later For!
Isn't it so annoying when your back suddenly starts to ache? Don't you wish you could get instant relief from that god awful pain! There are certain exercises for lower back pain that can make a lot of difference in your life. Sometimes, your lower back hurts a lot more than you could imagine.
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4 (Rarely Used) Things You Can Do Right Now for Immediate Lower Back Pain Relief
NOTE: Please use this information at your own risk. If you have a serious back issue do NOT do these and go see your doctor. Around my early 20's I got my first real desk job. I worked in a high school and spent 40+ hours a week sitting down in a chair tutoring students and substitute teaching in New York.
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The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Cholesterol
Do you smoke? Do you booze? Do you not exercise? Do you eat less green vegetables & fruits and more fast foods? Well, then the chances of you suffering from high or low cholesterol are alleviated to dangerous levels. In simple words, cholesterol is a waxy substance that is present in our body naturally in the membranes and cell walls.
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Diet tips to eat your way to healthier blood pressure, cholesterol
WASHINGTON - Diet changes can go a long way to help Americans battle high blood pressure and cholesterol and could reduce the need for medication, says Lean Plate Club blogger Sally Squires. Roughly 600,000 Americans die each year from heart disease - the leading cause of death for both men and women.
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Pain Under Right Breast? It Sounds Simple. But It Isn't
You feel an electric current passing through your body? I know, It begins with a feeling of owww. Wait my dear! Do not engage yourself in so much brainy activity. Some women fear this sign could indicate breast cancer but It may be sometimes normal.
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